Over 16% of 7th grade students are not scoring proficient according to state indicators at Greenfarm Middle School (Ohio Department of Education, 2013). According to AIMSweb data, at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, 27% of the students were categorized as Deficient in reading fluency and 21% were categorized as Emerging in reading fluency. Nearly 50% of the 7th grade students are entering Greenfarm Middle School below average in reading fluency. While comprehension scores show somewhat stronger skills, 11% of the students were categorized as Deficient in reading comprehension and 19% of the students were categorized as Emerging in reading comprehension, accounting for 30% of the 7th grade population (Pearson, 2012).
This site serves as a resource for inquiring minds on Reading Intervention.
The purpose of this mixed methods study is to discover possible factors that influence student growth in the areas of reading fluency and reading comprehension at the middle school level. The study will be guided by the following research questions:
- How does
daily reading intervention impact student growth?
- What
additional resources are needed to fully implement reading interventions?
- What
roadblocks or barriers are currently impeding reading intervention?
- How will
systematic reading interventions improve student achievement?
According to the Florida Center for Reading Research (2013) "Intervention Instruction is provided only to students who are lagging behind their classmates in the development of critical reading skills. This instruction will usually be guided by a specific intervention program that focuses on one or more of the key areas of reading development."