Study Participants

Of the roughly 300 7th grade students at Greenfarm Middle School, this study focused on 37 students receiving full inclusion grade level instruction.  These 37 students were identified as either Deficient (Tier 3) or Emerging (Tier 2) readers during the fall 2012 AIMSweb screening.   Of the 37 students studied, 16 students are identified as Special Education students and received services from an Intervention Specialist.  All students receiving Special Education services in this study were in an inclusion setting.  Data analyzed during this study included AIMSweb benchmarking scores and achievement scores.

In addition to the quantitative data listed above, qualitative data was collected from the English-Language Arts teachers and Intervention Specialist at Greenfarm Middle School.  Qualitative data from these individuals was gathered through an anonymous survey.   In addition to the survey, I interviewed Mrs. Clark the Special Education Department head, who has been a trailblazer for the RTI programs currently in place at Greenfarm Middle School.  Mrs. Olds, an English Language Arts teacher who has been involved with reading interventions for the past two years at Greenfarm Middle School, was also interviewed.