The study took place in a 7th-8th grade middle school located
in the southwest region of Ohio, approximately 20 minutes outside the
city. The city is 97.8% White. The median income for families in this city
is $46,225. 19% of the population does
not have a high school diploma and 13.8% of the population holds a bachelors
degree or higher (Zipskinny, 2013). This
school is a public school and is the only 7th-8th grade building within the
district. The middle school has a 6 bell
schedule allowing students to participate in four core content courses with the
addition of two elective courses. During
the 2011-2012 school year, there were 571 students. 97.2% of the student population is
white/non-Hispanic, 31.7% are economically disadvantaged, and 13.6% are
students with disabilities. The school was
rated “Excellent” on the most recent state report card for 2011-2012. Excellent is the second highest rating in the
state of Ohio. The school had a 94.6%
attendance rate in 2011-2012, meeting the state requirement of 93%.
Education Trends in Greenfarm: Income Trends in Greenfarm: