To obtain consent for this research study, I contacted the building
principal at the research site. The
initial contact and approval was given through e-mail communication on May 21,
2013. The email stated the intent of the
research study as well as details regarding data needed for the study. The principal granted permission to review AIMSweb
student data from the 2012-2013 school year regarding 7th grade students that
were identified as tier 2 or tier 3 readers.
The principal felt that possible results of the study could lead to an
ability to “sell it as ‘different’ interventions to other staff”. The principal also gave permission for me to
contact staff members in the English Language Arts and Special Education
Departments. Each staff member contacted
was asked to complete an anonymous survey.
The survey was sent through an email explaining the purpose of my
research and asked if the staff members would voluntarily complete the survey
to assist me in my research. Of the 9 asked to complete the survey, 5 submitted
survey responses. Two staff members were
also asked if they would participate in an interview regarding reading
intervention. Interviews took place with
the Special Education Department Chair and an English Language Arts teacher.
to the timing of this research project, convenience sampling was used to reach
participants. Creswell states that “in
convenience sampling the researcher selects participants because they are
willing and available to be studied” (145).
The staff members that agreed to participate in this study were staff
members that I could make contact with during summer break and would willingly
participate in the survey and/or interviews.